I can’t believe that it has just been the Fourth lock down Sunday event with Wirral Urban Sketchers W.U.S. The theme for the morning’s sketching was “out of my comfort zone” and everyone produced some very fine work! Our FaceBook page was deluged with all manner of very different sketches, pictures, and drawings, everyone happily rising to the challenge.
Since I had set the challenge I felt it only right that I should have a go at something I wouldn’t otherwise do and settled for a go at collage!
We have a lady Debbie in the WUS who does collages on site as her sketching method and produces beautiful images.However I decided to work indoors and chose the view from the studio across the garden to the summer house. I found it a real challenge especially working against the clock but was quite pleased with the outcome albeit with a bit of a cheat by using part of a photo for the foreground which had my windowsill on it!
On to the next challenge in two weeks time…