New “Memories” picture completed, “Dave’s picture”

Graham Thew July 1, 2019

Following my appearance on “Home is Where the Art is”  (BBC) I have been pleased to receive a number of commissions for the same type of watercolour that I did for the buyers on the show.

This latest is a picture commissioned by a family for their dad who was having an important “landmark birthday”

Working from a list of interests, memberships and passions along with some key visual images I planned and completed the picture to include The Angel of the North, a cup of coffee, his boat, ice cream, a Porche, along with other things all set against a backdrop of his golf club and Poole harbour. There’s the usual concealed in plain view memories and other fun inclusions. All in all I feel the  picture turned out well and I am pleased to say Dave was delighted with the finished product. See Below!

“Another Memory picture”
along the lines of the painting I did for “Home is Where the Art is”

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