Thank you to everyone who popped in to see the studio over the weekend.
I had about 50-60 visitors on Saturday and 70-80 on Sunday. Numbers were a little down on last year but I think there were a variety of factors contributing to that , not least the horrendous weather forecast for Saturday which in the event never materialised!
It was really fun talking to everybody who visited and I am really grateful for the very positive feedback and all the nice comments.
I’m also grateful to those who decided to ” invest” in an original Graham Thew! whilst numbers might have been down I sold far more this year than last and actually received a couple of commissions, so thanks again for that.
I think the frustrating thing about the way the tour is set up is that I never get to see the other artists’ work so I think I shall opt out next year in order to do the tour myself, judging by what people said yesterday it sounds like fun!