Wirral Society of Arts at the Williamson

Graham Thew November 6, 2018

I was delighted to have two works selected by the W.S.A. for the exhibition at the Williamson Art Gallery this year. Dramatically different in style and content they each have their own story….

“Inflation in Majorca” is a watercolour based on a sketch made during our holiday this year, such fun , it was a delight to use all the colours in the paintbox and focus on the extremes of light and shade.

Delighted to say the work was sold at the exhibition.

a picture from a sketch Idid when we were on holiday earlier this year

The other work “After Jackson” is an abstract using the flow of the watercolour and mixing on the paper to establish interesting passages of colour and form. The title is something of a homage to Jackson Pollack whose works have always intrigued me with their skill and dramatic use of colour seldom understood or appreciated by many folk out there. (still for sale!)



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