The covid lockdowns have meant we have not been able to get out sketching as a group, but on a two weekly basis I have been setting “challenges” for our group and must say it has been a delight to see not only the eager participation but the quality and breadth of the work. We have been posting the pictures on our Facebook page – “Wirral Urban Sketchers” and the comments, really positive comments, on the work has been a joy to read. The numbers participating have climbed and indeed we now have over 500 members of W.U.S in our group. So we shall see what the new year brings … hopefully the chance to resume our monthly meetings sooner than later.
The last challenge was “Groups of people” and my two submissions are pictured here.. Both copied from old sepia photos I had saved from magazines. I thought it would be good to have sketches in the extremes of temperatures, one from a lazy warm summer’s day and the other a cold wintery cityscape with walkers battling the biting winds.