“Memories” picture, street scene for Julie and Martin

Graham Thew August 13, 2019

This week I popped along to Julie and Martin’s to present their “Memories” watercolour commissioned by them in advance of their wedding next year. The main theme is the shops which various members of the family have owned over the years, all linked together in an imagined street scene. It was great fun putting the picture together from the visual resources Julie had sent to me along with a “site visit” to Rawdon Parish Church where they are getting hitched. Lots of hidden images along with maps, names and dates. I’m proud to say they were delighted with the result and have asked for prints and greetings cards of the picture.

A Memories picture showing as the main theme three shops in an imagined street. the shops all have family connections and the church is where Julie and Martin are to be married in 2020 (look for the date in the stained glass!)

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