Hoylake Art Group, My first modelling assignment!!

Graham Thew December 13, 2019

Had a lovely afternoon with the H.A.G.s (Hoylake Art group) they had said they wanted to do people. I remembered a class we had done at Art School where you start a drawing of a model and after two/three minutes move on to the place next to you and carry on with the picture there. After moving four or five times everyone stops and has a look at the compound pictures created. I just loved them. I had also complicated matters by giving them multi-coloured thick pencils to use. The results are below as well as small scale drawings again done to the clock. Some really proficient and keenly observed work.

I was the model …fully clothed!. And that I realise now is also a very demanding job, one I couldn’t do (clothed or unclothed) on a regular basis!

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